Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How to log into Windows 2003 when both Remote Desktop sessions are in use ?

How to log into Windows 2003 when both Remote Desktop sessions are in use ?
Working on a project with co-worker and your computer crashes. When you try to access the server again with Remote Desktop, do you receive the message that the server has reached its limit for connections? Did you forget to log off your session at the office while you are trying to work from home?

You can access the server in unique situations such as these by using the Terminal Services connection with the console flag. Whenever you find yourself in this situation, simply click on Start, Run, and type the following: mstsc -v:IPADDRESS /F –console

Replace IPADDRESS with your actual IP address of your server and you will be logged onto the server via a console session. You can now log into Terminal Services Manager and clear out the zombie session from your computer crash, disconnect your session from the office, or reset a connection of a co-worker who is idle. For more information, along with other flags that can be used with this command, please refer to the Microsoft Help and Support site document found here : http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;278845

Creating a Junction (symlink) in Windows

Ever wonder how to create the windows equivalent of *nix's "symbolic links"? For those unfamiliar with the symlink, they are files whose sole purpose in life is to point to another location. Think of them as the operating system's equivalent of a shortcut; they work in the same manner, but symlinks are visible to the file system directly, whereas shortcuts are only available within the Windows GUI.
You can create these yourself with the following program:
First, make sure the junction.exe file is somewhere in your path; that could be as simple as moving the executable to the directory you wish to create the junction in, or if you feel you'll be using this utility more often than just this one time, you can always put it into c:\windows (c:\winnt for Windows 2000 users).
Let's say we wanted to create a junction in:
That pointed to:
To accomplish this, run the following command:
junction D:\Inetpub\vhosts\samplewebsite.com\sharedimages D:\Inetpub\common\sharedimages
You'll see something like the following output:
Junction v1.03 - Win2K junction creator and reparse point viewerCopyright (C) 2000-2002 Mark RussinovichSystems Internals - http://www.sysinternals.com
Created: D:\Inetpub\vhosts\samplewebsite.com\sharedimages Targetted at: D:\Inetpub\common\sharedimages
Now I have a symlinked folder in my publicly-accessible directory structure that uses the files in the target directory. This will come in handy if you have several different sites that wish to use the same resources.
This is what the new link will look like when issuing the “dir” command in that new directory:
11/26/2005 12:55 AM sharedimages
As you can see, it labels it as a junction, and not as a directory, but they act the same. In Windows Explorer, you won’t be able to tell the difference between that and a directory.
NOTE The only exception is that there is a known issue in all versions of Windows that will prevent you from moving a file across a junction point into the recycle bin. If, when trying to delete a file, you see an error such as this:
Cannot delete Foldername: Access is denied. The source file may be in use.
that is what is going on. You will need to either bypass the recycle bin (shift+del), or navigate to the actual (non-junctioned) location of the file and delete it through windows explorer from there.

Windows IIS domain setup

Here's the steps for creating a site on your server:

1. Make a directory in D:\inetpub\wwwroot for your new site.

2. Add a new user by going to Computer Management in Administrative Tools.

3. Open IIS Management. Right Click on the default FTP site and choose New Virtual Directory. The Alias will be the same as the user you created in the last step. For the path, put in the path to the directory that you created in the first step. The account will need Write access to be able to upload files.

4. Right click on the default web site in IIS. Choose New Site. The description can be whatever you want, easiest is the name of the site. Choose an IP for the site. If you put the site on the shared IP address, put the domain name in the host header field. If you put the site on its own IP, then leave the host header field blank. Next, put in the path to directory where the web pages will be stored. Finally, the default permissions should be fine.

5. If you put the site on the shared IP address, right click on the new site and choose Properties. On the Web Site tab and go to Advanced. Choose Add. Give the site the same IP address as you gave it in the last step. The port will 80. The host header should be www.domainname.

6. Open the DNS administrator. Right click on Forward Lookup Zones and choose New Zone. You want to use a Standard Primary zone. For Name, put in the domain name. Choose create a new file. Once the zone is created, right click on it under Forward Lookup Zones. First choose new Mail Exchanger record. Leave Host blank and put the server that the mail is to be delivered to in Mail Server. Next, right click on the domain name again and choose New Host. For Name put in www and set the IP address to the IP that you assigned in IIS. If you set the mail exchanger to something like mail.domain.name, then you need to create a Host entry of for that host name also.

How to Encrypt RDP (Remote Desktop) Network Traffic

How to add encryption to Remote Desktop (RDP) network traffic.

Note: RDP clients older than the one provided with Windows XP are unable to talk to an RDP server that requires encryption. For the most part that will not be a problem, but it is important to understand, if you are using a Remote Desktop client from Windows 2000 to connect to a server that requires RDP encryption, you will not be able to connect.

The information provided in this article is for a server-side modification.By default, Remote Desktop clients will use the highest level of encryption supported by the server.

Open the Group Policy Microsoft Management Console (GPO MMC)

1. Click Start > Run, type mmc in the Open: box, and click OK
2. On the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in
3. In the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box, click Add
4. In the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box, select Group Policy, click Add, and then click Finish
5. Click Close in the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box, and click OK in the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box.

Modify the required encryption level for RDP

1. In the GPO MMC, expand Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Terminal Services
2. Select Encryption and Security
3. Double-click on "Set client connection encryption level" in the right pane
4. Select Enabled
5. In the drop-down labeled "Encryption label", select High Level
6. Click OK
7. Close the MMC

How do I connect to my NAS backup?

Network Backup is a simple Network Attached Storage (NAS) array that can be directly accessed over Ethernet using standard IP protocols such as SAMBA/CIFS and FTP. Network Backup needs to be accessed from within your server.
You have to first log into the server.Once you are logged in simply ftp into the NAS.You will be given the IP address in the initial NAS installation ticket.If you are unable to find the ticket please feel free to contact us.
You can actually mount your drive to the NAS. To do so please do the following:

On a UNIX System:
Assuming you have already installed SAMBA, issue the following command:
smbmount //ip address/username mountpoint -o username=username
For example: smbmount //123.456.789/cXXXX /mnt/backup -o username=cXXXXX
Samba will prompt you for your password. This will attach your service to themount point defined on the command line as though it was a local disk.
Windows 2003 Server:
Open Windows Explorer.On the Tools Menu, click Map Network DriveSelect a drive letter.Place "\\ip address\username" in the Path line;
For example \\123.456.789\cXXXXXClick the "Reconnect at logon" checkbox.Click OK.Login to the share with the username and password provided.Click the "Remember password" checkbox.Click OK.
This will attach your NAS Backup service to the driveletter you selected. At this point, the Backup service operates likea drive directly connected to your server. Simply copy the files youwish to archive into the drive letter you have mapped to your NAS Backup service.

How can I check which ports are open when the firewall is activated?

Use "netsh routing ip show filter" and
"netsh routing ip show filter "
to see open ports.

How to add an IP address in Windows

Adding your IPs through your desktop control panel is very simple. Please follow these steps to take you through it.
1. Click on the Start option and go to Control Panel

2. After opening your Control Panel then double click on Network Connections

3. Right click on Local Area Connection and select Properties

4. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) from the list and click Properties

5. Click on Advanced at the bottom of the pop-screen.

6. Click Add at the center of the pop-screen.

7. Enter the IP address and corresponding subnet mask.

8. Click Add

9. Repeat steps five through seven for each IP

10. When completed with the list of IPs, click OK at the bottom of the pop-screen. This will close this pop-screen.

11. Click OK at the bottom of the pop-screen. This will close this pop-screen.

12. Click Close to complete the process.13. Close your Network Connection window.

How can I troubleshoot general remote desktop error messages?

1) Because of an error in data encryption, this session will end. Please try connecting to the remote computer again.

Data encryption provides security for datatraveling over network connections. A data encryption error can end asession for security reasons.

Try connecting to the remote computer again. Encryption policies can vary between systems and domains.

2) The remote connection has timed out. Please try connecting to the remote computer again.

The terminal server disconnected yoursession because you did not send a response within the time limit setfor responses.

Try connecting to the terminal server again. If you receive this error message, try to reconnect at a later time.

3) The remote session was disconnected because the total logon timelimit was reached. This limit is set by the server administrator or bynetwork policies.

Your connection to the terminal server exceeded the time limit.

Try connecting to the terminal serveragain. If you receive this error message, try to reconnect at a latertime. The server administrator may need to review the length oftime allowed for connections before they expire.

4) The specified computer name contains invalid characters. Please verify the name and try again.

The name of the remote computer is incorrect. This might be a typing error.

Try typing the name of the remotecomputer again. If you receive the same message, contact the serveradministrator to be sure you are using the correct name for the remotecomputer.

4) The specified remote computer could not be found. Verify that youhave typed the correct computer name or IP address, and then tryconnecting again.

The name or IP address of the remote computer is incorrect. This might be a typing error.

Try typing the name or IP address of theremote computer again. If you receive the same message, contact theserver administrator to be sure you are using the correct name or IPaddress for the remote computer.

5) The remote session to the remote computer was ended by means of anadministration tool. Your administrator might have ended yourconnection.

The most common cause of this error is thatthe server administrator needed to perform maintenance tasks on theterminal server. These tasks can be performed only when there are noremote connections to the terminal server.

Try to reconnect at a later time.

6) The remote session was disconnected because your session was loggedoff at the remote computer. Your administrator or another user mighthave ended your session.

The most common cause of this error is thatthe server administrator needed to perform maintenance tasks on theterminal server. These tasks can be performed only when there are noremote connections to the terminal server.

Try to reconnect at a later time.

7) The remote session was disconnected because another user has connected to the session.

The most common cause of this error is thatthe server administrator needed to perform maintenance tasks on theterminal server. These tasks can be performed only when there are noremote connections to the terminal server.

Try to reconnect at a later time.

8) The remote session was disconnected because the total logon timelimit was reached. This limit is set by the server administrator or bynetwork policies.

Your connection to the terminal server exceeded the time limit set.

Try connecting to the remote computeragain. If you receive the same message, try to reconnect at a latertime. The server administrator may need to review the length of timeallowed for connections before they expire.

9) The local computer is low on memory. Close some programs, and then connect to the remote computer again.

Not enough RAM available on your computer.If your computer has too little RAM available, it cannot free enoughprocessing capacity to start new functions, such as applications orconnections.

Solution: Close all unnecessary programs, and try your connection again.

10) The connection was ended because of a network error. Please try connecting to the remote computer again.

A network error prevented your computer from communicating with the terminal server.

Try connecting to the remote computeragain. If you receive the same message, be sure that your computer isconnected to the network.

11) The client could not connect. You cannot connect to the console from a console session of the same computer.

You are logged on to a computer and you are trying to connect to that same computer.

If you are not on the same computer, contact the server administrator.

12) The client could not connect to the remote computer. Remoteconnections might not be enabled or the computer might be too busy toaccept new connections. It is also possible that network problems arepreventing your connection. Please try your connection again later. Ifthe problem continues to occur, contact your administrator.

The remote computer might not be set up to accept remote connections.

Try connecting to the remote computer at a later time.

13) An internal state error has occurred. The remote session will bedisconnected. Your local computer might be low on memory. Close someprograms, and then try connecting to the remote computer again.

Not enough RAM available on your computer.If your computer has too little RAM available, it cannot free enoughprocessing capacity to start new functions, such as applications orconnections.

The system load will need to be brought down and memory freed up beforea connection can be made. Close all unnecessary programs, and try yourconnection again.

14) Because of a protocol error (error_code), the remote session willbe disconnected. Please try connecting to the remote computer again.

A protocol specifies the way a computercommunicates with other computers. A protocol error prevents yourcomputer from communicating with the terminal server to which you wereconnected.

Try connecting to the remote computer again.

15) Because of a security error, the client could not connect to theremote computer. Verify that you are logged on to the network, and thentry connecting again.

The most common causes are network errors or slowdowns.

Be sure your computer is connected to the network. Try to reconnect at a later time.

16) The remote session was disconnected because the remote computer is low on memory.

Memory errors have a variety of causes, butthe result is the same. The remote computer does not have enough memoryto start and maintain the connection you are attempting to make.

The system load will need to be brought downand memory freed up before a connection can be made. Close allunnecessary programs, and try your connection again.

17) Because of an unknown error, the remote session will bedisconnected. The local computer might be low on memory. Close someprograms, and then try connecting to the remote computer again.

Not enough RAM available on your computer.If your computer has too little RAM available, it cannot free enoughprocessing capacity to start new functions, such as applications orconnections.

The system load will need to be brought down and memory freed up beforea connection can be made. Close all unnecessary programs, and try yourconnection again.

18) An unrecoverable error occurred while the client was attempting toconnect. Close some programs, and then try connecting to the remotecomputer again.

Not enough RAM available on your computer.If your computer has too little RAM available, it cannot free enoughprocessing capacity to start new functions, such as applications orconnections.

The system load will need to be brought down and memory freed up beforea connection can be made. Close all unnecessary programs, and try yourconnection again.

19) Unable to allocate window resources. The remote session will bedisconnected. Close some programs on the local computer, and then tryconnecting to the remote computer again.

Not enough RAM available on your computer.If your computer has too little RAM available, it cannot free enoughprocessing capacity to start new functions, such as applications orconnections.

The system load will need to be brought down and memory freed up beforea connection can be made. Close all unnecessary programs, and try yourconnection again.

20) An error occurred when the client attempted to connect to theremote computer. Check your system memory and then try the connectionagain.

Not enough RAM available on your computer.If your computer has too little RAM available, it cannot free enoughprocessing capacity to start new functions, such as applications orconnections.

The system load will need to be brought down and memory freed up beforea connection can be made. Close all unnecessary programs, and try yourconnection again.

AOL fix

Hello ,
I have filled one form at AOL , so i will receive alerts at email account specified in form regarding the user who is spamming to AOL, and we can take action on such user,as because of such user our server IP gets blocked at their database and even other users are not able to send mails to AOL people .Once you set these alerts for your any number of servers, you don`t have to worry about finding the username (even you can see server IP and script name in that alert) spamming at AOL and blocking your server IP. You will receive alerts from the AOL who is sending lots of mails to AOL users and those are considered as spam mails and reported by AOL clients to their admin.
THE LINK TO FILL THE FORM IS AS FOLLOWS: http://postmaster.info.aol.com/tools/fbl.html

Email send problem by Outlook

If you are having problem sending emails, make sure you are certain you have followed the instructions for setting up your email client to sendmail, including enabling SMTP Authentication, the only other possibility could be your ISP. Most ISP's block sendmail?s default port of 25. They do this so they can "control" your email habits (this is mainly geared to abusers or spammers). To correct this problem simply, configure your SMTP settings to use your ISP's SMTP settings. For example, mail.mindspring.com, if you're using earthlink.net as a ISP. The following links are websites that has a list of known ISP that block SMTP. http://bluehill.com/support/tb/port25.html

Email Attachement Problem

Please make sure that you have to unchecked the option 'Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus' which is in the Tools->Options-> Security tab of the Outlook Express.
Then you will be able to open the attachements.

Server Error: 451, Error Number: 0x800CCC78

The message could not be sent because the server rejected the sender's e-mail address...Please try again later', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 451, Error Number: 0x800CCC78

This is a temporary problem with the outgoing (smtp) mail server authenticating your email address. There is nothing you can do to fix it except to try again later.

Outlook Error 0x800CCC90, 0x800CCC92

There was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your Password was rejected. Account: 'pop.wmasia.net'., Server: 'pop.wmasia.net', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR Invalid Password', Port: 110, Secure (SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92

Possibly wrong user id or email password keyed in. Make sure that under the account name / user name / user id, user keyed in the full email address. Sometimes problems may lie because check on 'save email password' in the account configuration. User can uncheck that option and key in the password manually. Also, make sure that the email account is still active.

Change the mail relay address

If a client says to change the mail relay address When you check for new messages on your account, you are added to a list of valid senders for a period of time. Therefore, if you do not check for new messages before attempting to send or if the IP expires, then it will report this error. If your e-mail client supports it, try checking the authentication mechanism 'Log in to POP server before sending messages.' Otherwise, you can simply check for new messages and then send to correct this issue. Also note that some virus scanners, like Norton Anti Virus may cause problems with SMTP access.

Error 0x800CCC18

Error 0x800CCC18

Either the Outlook Express POP3 client is not able to access the mailbox because it does not exist or there is a custom recipient in the Exchange Server organization that has the same alias as you do, and Exchange Server is attempting to access the custom recipient before accessing your mailbox. WORKAROUND In Outlook Express, try using Clear Text, which is the Log on using option under the Servers tab of the mail account.
To do so:
1. On the Tools menu, click Accounts. This will bring up several tabs.
2. If you select any listed mail account, the properties will have a Servers tab with the Log on using option.
3. Select the Clear Text option.

Outlook Error 0x800CCC19


1> This is a possible corruption of the pop3uidl file. Close the Internet connection and all programs. Search for the file 'pop3uidl and delete it. Reconnect and it should work
2> Repeat step 1 with a reboot before you check your mail again
3> You may have a corrupt or a very large file attachment on the mail server. Large file attachments, mail that are missing headers or mail that do not conform to the mail RFC's can cause this

Outlook Error 0x800CCC0A


1> This is a possible corruption of the pop3uidl file. Close the Internet connection and all programs. Search for the file 'pop3uidl and delete it. Reconnect and it should work
2> Repeat step 1 with a reboot before you check your mail again
3> You may have a corrupt or a very large file attachment on the mail server. Large file attachments, mail that are missing headers or mail that do not conform to the mail RFC's can cause this.

Outlook error 0x800CCC00

Please refer the following instructions :
1> Try closing and restarting Outlook express
2> If still getting same error, wait 20-30 minutes for a server reset of your account then try again
3> It could be a corruption of the user account in Outlook Express. Try setting up a second identity and see if it works.

Error: 550

Error: 550

If any client gets the error like '550 relaying to prohibited by administrator', it generally occures because of the IP Blocking, so you can give them the following reply:

Some internet services block third party email servers from functioning. Their reason is that they want to prevent you from using these servers to send SPAM (junk mail). In this cases you have two options. You can either contact the internet service provider (ISP) and have them unblock your account, or you can use your ISP's SMTP server instead of your domains'. When you send email, it still appears as if it is coming from your domain and it makes no difference.

Email error 0x800CCC00

0x800CCC00 LOAD SICILY FAILED - Authentication did not load.

1> Try closing and restarting Outlook express

2> If still getting same error, wait 20-30 minutes for a server reset of your account then try again

3> It could be a corruption of the user account in Outlook Express. Try setting up a second identity and see if it works.

How to configure Outlook Express to read and reply to your Account

AOL allows you to use SMTP for sending e-mail and IMAP for reading e-mail. This setup is compatible with most mail and communication clients. You get all the great features AOL e-mail has to offer, and the flexibility to read and send e-mail via a third-party e-mail client!
To configure Outlook Express for AOL, please follow the steps below:
1. On the Windows desktop, double-click the OUTLOOK EXPRESS icon. If Outlook Express desktop icon is not displayed, click Start, select programs or All Programs, then click Microsoft Outlook.
2. On the menu bar, click TOOLS, then click ACCOUNTS. NOTE: If you have never configured, or used, your Outlook Express email program, at this point the Internet Connection Wizard will open automatically. If this occurs, go directly to Step 4.
3. Click ADD, then click MAIL.
4. In the Display name box, type your full name (or the name copied an email from AOL that you may find interesting.
5. In the E-mail address box, type your e-mail address (e.g., johndoe@aol.com), then click NEXT. Be sure to include @aol.com at the end of your e-mail address.
6. Click the down arrow on the My incoming mail is a ____ server drop-down list, then click IMAP.
7. In the Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server box, type: imap.aol.com
8. In the Outgoing mail (SMTP) server box, type: smtp.aol.com
9. Click NEXT.
10. In the Account name box, type your full AOL Screen Name (e.g., johndoe).
11. In the Password box, type your AOL password.
12. Check the box next to 'Remember password' if you wish to save your password, then click NEXT.
13. Select the method you want to use to connect to the Internet, then click NEXT.
14. Click FINISH.
15. Ensure your Account is selected, then click PROPERTIES.
16. Click the SERVERS tab.
17. Under Outgoing Mail Server, select 'My server requires authentication', then click APPLY. 18. Click the ADVANCED tab.
19. Under Server Port Numbers, in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) box, type 587, then click APPLY. 20. Click the IMAP tab.
21. Under Special Folders, uncheck 'Store special folders on IMAP server', then click OK.
22. Click CLOSE.

For more information, please go to AOL Keyword: Open Mail Access. If you require more help or have additional questions, you can reach at online by going to AOL Keyword: LIVE HELP or contact us at 1-800-827-6364.

0x800420CB - Message Could Not Be Opened From Outbox Folder

0x800420CB - Message Could Not Be Opened From Outbox Folder.
You will need to rename the Outbox file which deletes all emails in that folder.
  1. Remove all mail accounts from Outlook Express.
  2. Click Start > Find > Files or Folders
  3. Search for outbox.dbx in the C: drive.
  4. Right-click the Outbox.dbx file, and click Rename.
  5. Rename it outbox.old.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Start Outlook Express again.

553, Sorry the domain isn’t in my list of allowed rcpthosts.

You must use SMTP authentication to send email through our servers. In Outlook Express it is found in Tools, Accounts. Choose the Properties for the affected mail account and click on servers. You will see a checkbox for "My server requires authentication". Please check that box and save the settings.

The error generally occures sending emails before receiving. i.e. start the POP3 service before SMTP.
1. You cannot send an email before receiving.
2. Some internet services block third party email servers from functioning. Their reason is that they want to prevent you from using these servers to send SPAM (junk mail). In this cases you have two options. You can either contact the internet service provider (ISP) and have them unblock your account, or you can use your ISP's SMTP server instead of your domains'. When you send email, it still appears as if it is coming from your domain and it makes no difference.

The issue starts when email clients (such as Outlook) have an option set to send messages immediately. When you send a message immediately, your email program skips the authentication (verification) process and tries to send without receiving. If this happens after the 20 minute gateway closes, the server gets stuck because it has no idea which user is sending this email. It then stops, and says (not literally), "I do not know you; therefore I will not let your mail through". Basically, "553, sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts" means that the server is not recognizing you. So what are some ways to avoid this? We have two easy methods (A and B) to stop this from happening in Outlook and Outlook Express.

A. Click Send/Receive before composing an email. This way, you have 20 minutes to send the email and will not see the error.
B. (Recommended) you can tell the email client NOT to send messages immediately. This is the recommended method. This way, you compose a message; take as long as you need, click send, and when you're ready to send it out, click Send/Receive.

-Open Outlook - Click on Tools and choose Options
- Click the Mail Setup Tab - Uncheck "Send Immediately When Connection"
- Click OK and make sure the Outbox is empty.
- Close Outlook and open it once more.
- From this point on, you should no longer see this error. MS OUTLOOK EXPRESS:
- Open Outlook Express
- Click on Tools and choose Options
- Click the SEND Tab
- Uncheck "Send Messages Immediately"
- Click OK and make sure the Outbox is empty.
- Close Outlook Express and open it once more.
- From this point on, you should no longer see this error.

If you are using a program other than Outlook and see this error, please contact the manufacturer for ways to configure their email client to do the same in order to avoid the error.

The error generally occures sending emails before receiving.
i.e. start the POP3 service before SMTP.
1. You cannot send an email before receiving.
2. Some internet services block third party email servers from functioning. Their reason is that they want to prevent you from using these servers to send SPAM (junk mail). In this cases you have two options. You can either contact the internet service provider (ISP) and have them unblock your account, or you can use your ISP's SMTP server instead of your domains'. When you send email, it still appears as if it is coming from your domain and it makes no difference.

Error while sending mails : 503 Valid RCPT TO must preced DATA

Like following :
"'task stewarth@stewarthome.com- Sending' reported error (0x800CCC65) :'Your outgoing (SMTP) mail server has reported an internal error. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). The server responded: 503 Valid RCPT TO must preced DATA'.
Solution :
First try checking "My Server Requires Authentication" else Need to delete his email account and recreate it again and that will fix the problem.
The server responded: 503 valid RCPT command must precede DATA means you must check your email before trying to send mail. The mail server requires authentication, which can be achieved using one of these methods:
1. Pop before smtp -- check your email for new mail before trying to send email. This adds your IP address to a relayhosts file and allows any email to be sent from that IP address for up to 30 minutes. After 30 minutes you have to authenticate again.
2. Configure your email client to authenticate automatically by checking the "my server requires authentication" box in your email configuration. You will be able to send mail without having to "pop" your mail box first.
503 Valid RCPT
Sometimes an email does not get sent out if they person who is recieving the email is blocking the specific email address. That usually means they need to log in to the POP server.
503 mail server is not resolving with our ip address if you are on a newer server you might want to check with your isp to make sure that the ip address is resolved.

To many recipents..Error

Chances are, your ISP has a cap on the maximum number of recipients in the To:/CC:/BCC: fields; most do this to prevent spamming. Try splitting the number of people, from the original number to half its number.and then sending them.


We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please check the solution for the error message you are getting.
This behavior occurs because some Internet service providers (ISP) do not permit message routing through another SMTP server while you are connected to their network.


To resolve this behavior, replace the SMTP server for the other ISP or the other e-mail account with the SMTP server that is associated with the ISP that you use to connect to the Internet. To do so, follow these steps: Contact your ISP to obtain the outgoing SMTP e-mail server address.

  1. Start Outlook 2002.
  2. On the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts.
  3. Under E-mail, click View or change existing e-mail account, and then click Next.
  4. Click the account that you want to change, and then click Change.
  5. Under Server Information, type the name of your e-mail server that you determined in step 1 in the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box, and then click Next.
  6. Click Finish


why do i get error no 0x80042109 ?


When you try to send an e-mail message in Microsoft Outlook 2002, you receive an error message that is similar to the following error message:

Mail cannot be sent - Cannot locate the SMTP server 0x80042109

You also may receive a similar error message with the following error message numbers:





This behavior occurs because some Internet service providers (ISP) do not permit message routing through another SMTP server while you are connected to their network.


To resolve this behavior, replace the SMTP server for the other ISP or the other e-mail account with the SMTP server that is associated with the ISP that you use to connect to the Internet. To do so, follow these steps: Contact your ISP to obtain the outgoing SMTP e-mail server address.

  1. Start Outlook 2002.
  2. On the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts.
  3. Under E-mail, click View or change existing e-mail account, and then click Next.
  4. Click the account that you want to change, and then click Change.
  5. Under Server Information, type the name of your e-mail server that you determined in step 1 in the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box, and then click Next.
  6. Click Finish



If you are connected to the Internet through MSN, the Microsoft Network, and you attempt to send messages by using an account other than your MSN e-mail account, you receive a prompt for your logon credentials for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) e-mail server. If you click the OK button, you receive the logon prompt again. If you click Cancel, you may receive an error message that is similar to the following error message: Task ' - Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x80042109): 'Outlook is unable to connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'


This behavior can occur because MSN does not allow messages to be sent to another SMTP server while you are connected to their network.


To work around this behavior, create a new profile to use when sending e-mail via the MSN SMTP server.

SMTP= Mail.Yourisp.com

POP3 = Mail.Yourdomainname.com

Outlook Error 0x800CCC7D

'The server does not support a SSL connection. Account; pop.DomainName Server smtp.DomainName.' Protocol SMTP, server response '250 HELP' Port; 25, Secure (SSL) Yes, Server Error 250, error number 0x800CCC7D.'
This problem happens because your version of Outlook Express is set up to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
To fix this problem:
  1. Open Outlook Express, and click Tools
  2. Then click on Accounts
  3. Then click on your Email account and click Properties
  4. Then click Advanced
  5. On this screen remove the checks from the boxes This server requires a secure connection for both Outgoing mail (SMTP) and Incoming mail (POP3).
  6. You will then be able to collect your mail.

691 Password issue and 0x800CC78

1. 691

Access denied because user name and / or password was rejected or Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain


This error can occur if you use a bad username or password; remember in most instances the password is case-sensitive - you will not see the password, so check if Caps Lock is on etc.

2. Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 5.7.1 Access denied', Port: 25, Secure (SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CC78


Possible reason is that user's email client is not running properly/corrupted. Advise user to check on 'My server requires authentication' under the account email configuration and to set the user name and password manually under the settings button which is beside that above mentioned option.

Outlook error 0x800420c8

0x800420c8 - The message could not be opened from OUTBOX folder.
One cause of this can be that there are two identical accounts in Outlook Express with different names.
To resolve this, you need to remove the duplicate account. To remove it:
1. Open Outlook Express
2. Click on the Tools > Accounts > Mail tab.
3. Choose the duplicate mail account, and then click Remove.
4. Click Close.

Email Errors: 451 / 501 / 553

Email Errors:
451 ... Sender domain must resolve.

This means that the domain part of your address did not resolve. The domain is the part after the @ symbol. This could be due to problems on the internet, so trying again may work. If it does not, contact your service provider for help. Your service provider is whoever you get your email, or internet service from.

501 ... Sender domain must exist.

This means that the domain part of your address does not exist. The domain is the part after the @ symbol. You may have mis-typed YOUR email address. If you cannot figure it out, contact your service provider for help. Your service provider is whoever you get your email, or internet service from.

553 Header Error,Message-Id Invalid.
You're either using broken mail software, or you're trying to spam us. If you're using broken mail software, you should get it fixed. It's putting out invalid email. If you're trying to spam us, go away.

Outlook error (0x80040900)

Receiving' reported error (0x80040900)

You may also receive an error message that includes one or more of the following error codes:

• 0x800ccc15

• 0x80042108

• 0x800ccc0e

• 0x8004210b

• 0x800CCC0B

• 0x800CCC79

• 0x800ccc67

• 0x80040900



These error messages may occur if Microsoft Outlook or if Microsoft Outlook Express cannot establish a connection with your e-mail server. These error messages are frequently caused by one of the following: • Incorrect account settings

• Misconfiguration of personal firewall software

• Antivirus software • A bad modem

• Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size

• Outlook Express has been removed from the computer or the installation is damaged

• Your user profile in Outlook is damaged

• An e-mail item on your POP3 server is damaged


1. Confirm that your e-mail server settings are correct

2. Examine the configuration of your firewall software

3. Check your antivirus vendor's Web site for additional suggestions

4. Determine whether your modem is functioning correctly

5. Verify the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size that is set on your router

6. Remove and then reinstall Outlook Express

7. Create a new e-mail profile

8. Delete suspicious messages from your mailbox

Outlook error 0x800C0149

Email error:-Error 0x800C0149
These are the following steps to avoid the above error :-

1. Try compressing all folders. Go to Files > Folders > Compress all folders.
2. Delete all DBX files and restart Outlook Express.


0x800ccc91 - There was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your UserName was rejected.

This error message is caused by the fact that you have set an anti virus program, to scan all emails automatically. You need to go to your anti-virus program and change the settings there.

Outlook Errors: 0x800CCC13 / 0x800C013B

1. Error: 0x800CCC13
A TCP/IP error occurred while trying to send data to the server. Subject: XXXX Account: 'XXX.XXX.XXX', Server: 'XXX.XXX.XXX', Protocol: XXX, Port: XXX, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC13

Shut down any firewall and anti virus software. Delete your effected messages from your outbox and recreate.
2. Error: 0x800C013B
Message: An unknown error has occurred Server: 'smtp.[yourISP]' Protocol: POP3 Port: 0 Secure(SSL): No Error Number: 0x800C013B

Resolution: Try - click Start / Find / Files or Folders type in "outbox.dbx", press Find Now / Edit / Select All / File / Delete and restart your computer (Delete outbox). If this fails reinstall Outlook Express.

Outlook Errors: 0x800c012e / 0x800420cd

1. 0x800c012e

Outlook Express could not be started. It may not be installed correctly. Make sure that disk is not full or that you are not out of memory. Contact Microsoft support for further assistance. (0x800c012e) Resolution:

Outlook Express *.dbx mail files are set to read only. Click Start, point to Find, then click on Files or Folders, In the Named box, type "*.dbx", in the Look In, C drive, then Find Now / Right click each *.dbx file, click Properties & clear the Read Only check box. Click Apply, then Close. Note the *.dbx files should only have Archive checked.

2. 0x800420cd

Cannot send message as one of recipients addresses rejected by the server.

Resolution: Check the email address being sent to (no additional dots or spaces). Send your self-an e-mail; if you receive it the recipients e-mail may have a problem. If fails follow screen saver section. Try> click Start / Find / Files or Folders type in "outbox.dbx", press Find Now, Edit / Select All / File / Delete and restart your computer (Delete outbox).

To view Email Headers

Check Email Headers from various Email clients :

Apple Mail 1.0
  1. Highlight the email, then select Open from the File menu.
  2. Go to the Message menu and select Show All Headers.

Eudora 5
  1. Double click on the email, then select Open from the File menu.
  2. Click the Blah Blah icon to reveal the message header.

Outlook 98/2000
  1. Open the message and click on File and select Properties.
  2. Click on the Details tab and click the Message Source button.

Outlook 2002/XP
  1. Open the message and click on View and select Options.
  2. Message headers can be found in the Internet Headers box.

Netscape Mail 4.7
  1. Highlight the email, then select Open from the File menu.
  2. Go to the View menu and select Page Source.

Netscape Mail 6/7
  1. Highlight the email, then select Open from the File menu.
  2. Go to the View menu and select Page Source.

Outlook Express 5/6 for Windows
  1. Highlight the email, then select Open from the File menu.
  2. Go to the File menu again, and select Properties.
  3. Click on the Details tab and then click the Message Source button.

Outlook Express 5 for Macintosh
  1. Highlight the email, then select "Open" from the 'File' menu.
  2. Go to the 'View' menu and select "Source".

Outlook Error : 0x800CCC69

Error: 0x800CCC69 SMTP_550_MAILBOX_NOT_FOUND or 503 Sender already specified CAUSE: This issue may occur if the firewall settings are not configured correctly on your computer.

Outlook Errors: 0x800CCC00 / 0x800CCC03 / 0x800CCC05 / 0x800CCC0A

0x800CCC00 LOAD SICILY FAILED - Authentication did not load.
1. Try closing and restarting Outlook express
2. If still getting same error, wait 20-30 minutes for a server reset of your account then try again
3. It could be a corruption of the user account in Outlook Express. Try setting up a second identity and see if it works .

1. You may be logged in on another machine. Close all connections on all machines, wait 20-30 minutes and try again
2. Some mail servers will not recognise an improper disconnection. This will result in the account being 'Poplocked'. Either wait 20-30 minutes for it to time out or get somebody to shell into the mail server and stop the mail task that is running on the account. This can normally only be done with accounts that have UNIX shells
3. If you are not logged in on another machine or poplocked then someone may be using/downloading from your account or something is wrong with your account.

1. Can you get web pages? If so, you may have the wrong mail server typed in your account settings or the server may be down
2. If you cannot get web pages then hang up and try connecting again
3. Reboot the computer and try again
4. If it's still not working and you are not getting any web pages, then data may not be moving across the network properly. Check DNS numbers, remove and then reinstall TCP/IP in Control Panel > Network.

1. This is a possible corruption of the pop3uidl file. Close the Internet connection and all programs. Search for the file 'pop3uidl and delete it. Reconnect and it should work
2. Repeat step 1 with a reboot before you check your mail again
3. You may have a corrupt or a very large file attachment on the mail server. Large file attachments, mail that are missing headers or mail that do not conform to the mail RFC's can cause this.

Outlook error : Error : 0x8004210B / 0x8004210A

This behavior occurs because some Internet service providers (ISP) do not permit message routing through another SMTP server while you are connected to their network. To resolve this behavior, replace the SMTP server for the other ISP or the other e-mail account with the SMTP server that is associated with the ISP that you use to connect to the Internet. To do so, follow these steps: Contact your ISP to obtain the outgoing SMTP e-mail server address.
  1. Start Outlook 2002.
  2. On the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts.
  3. Under E-mail, click View or change existing e-mail account, and then click Next.
  4. Click the account that you want to change, and then click Change.
  5. Under Server Information, type the name of your e-mail server that you determined in step 1 in the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box, and then click Next.
  6. Click Finish

Error: 0x8007000E

This error messages can occur if there is not enough free disk space to download your mail. Increase the amount of free space on your hard disk by removing any unnecessary files.

Error: 0x800ccc15

If a TCP/IP error occured while trying to connect to the server pop.khaimar.com, it may be because of corrupt email or mail account. To resolve this error, backup your mailbox and create a new mail account in Outlook Express. http://support.earthlink.net/mu/1/psc/img/walkthroughs/windows_9x_nt/email/oe_5.0/2738.psc.html