Wednesday, March 19, 2008

DirectAdmin License Shows To Be Expired


DirectAdmin is fully installed but we are unable to login and access the host.

Steps to try and resolve this problem.

Verify IP information bound to the host matches the data in /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/setup.txt

Confirm the date is correct.
# date
Sun Jan 4 03:14:22 CST 2004

If not then set the date with 'rdate' or 'ntp'
# rdate -s

Verify date is now correct.
# date
Thu Feb 3 17:44:23 CST 2005
Check and see if DA is now accessable.

If that does not work try the following.

cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts
./ 123 1234
service directadmin restart

Where 123 and 1234 are your Client ID and License ID, respectively. If there are errrors extracting the update.tar.gz file, then run:
head -n 1 /usr/local/directadmin/conf/license.key

to search for an error. If there is an readable error inside the file, double check the IP you are using matches the IP in the license on our system. Also check that it's active in our clients section. Failing that, you'll need to contact support by opening a new ticket under the support desk to get your license activated or updated.

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