Thursday, March 6, 2008

Write Failed:Disk Quota Exceede while changing password for email account.



Webmail authentication Error, unable to login to webmail,write failed disk quota exceeded error


A recent bug has been found in the cpanel maildir update, the disk quota used by the mail accounts shows false usage on whole server eg. usage of shows disk quota used 1253M where the quota set is 10M which isnt possible but the recent bug has made it possible heard that this will be fixed in next update, found a temporary solution to fix it.

Command :

/scripts/generate_maildirsize --force --allaccounts


For single account remove the file "maildirsize" under the email account user directory.This command would fix the issue.

Remove the "maildirsize" file in /home/user/mail/emailaccount/ and try. This will fix the issue.

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