Saturday, March 1, 2008

Steps to prevent or mitigate future DDoS attack

Steps to prevent or mitigate future DDoS attack

To prevent or mitigate future DDoS attacks, follow these steps:

* Create and implement a good security policy
* Conduct regular audits on each host on the network to find installed DDoS tools and vulnerable applications.
* Use tools like Rkdet, Rootkit Hunter, or chkrootkit to find if a rootkit has been installed on your system.
* Perform a general security audit on your systems on a regular basis.
* Keep your systems up to date to minimize software vulnerabilities (kernel and software upgrades)
* Check for rootkits
* Check logs for evidence of port sniffing, etc.
* Check for hidden processes by comparing the output of 'ps' and 'lsof'.
* Add 'Mod_dosevasive' to your Apache installation. This is an Apache module which performs 'evasive' action in the event of an HTTP DDoS attack or brute force attack.
* Install the 'Mod_security' module. Since DDoS often targets HTTP(port 80), it's a good idea to have a filtering system for Apache. 'Mod_security' will analyze requests before passing them to the web server.

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