Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How can I back up IIS settings?

There are a number of ways to do this. The properties and values set in the Internet Information Services Manager console (the IIS snap-in) are stored in the Metabase.bin file located at C:\winnt\system32\inetsrv by default. In IIS 5.0, you can back up the metabase from inside the IIS snap-in. To do this, select the computer icon and right-click. Then select Backup/Restore configuration. You can then choose to back up your current metabase settings or restore a previous version. This same option is also available in MetaEdit 2.2.
When you save the metabase in this way, your backup is stored in the C:\winnt\system32\instrv\metaback folder as an .md0 file. The file will have the name you assigned when you made the backup, such as Pre-Lockdown.md0. If you create multiple backups with the same name, they will have incremental extensions such as Backup.md0, Backup.md1, and so forth.
In the event that your metabase is seriously corrupted, you may be unable to start IIS. In that case, you will not be able to do a restore from the IIS snap-in or metaedit. Should this occur, you can restore by replacing Metabase.bin with the most appropriate .md0 (.md1, etc.) metabase backup file from the metaback folder. Assuming that your backups are good, IIS will start right up.
There are two other means to make a backup of the metabase. You can simply copy Metabase.bin using xcopy, scopy, or any other copy routine. You should stop the Internet services first so that your metabase is up to date and not in use.
Finally, there are two scripts provided—metaback.vbs and metarest.vbs—which are located in Inetpub\IISSamples\sdk\admin (if you installed the IIS SDK on IIS 5.0) or in the IIS Resource Kit\Utility\ADSI Admin Scripts folder (if you installed the IIS 4.0 Resource Kit). These .vbs scripts use an ADSI command specifically provided to make metabase backups.

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