Monday, March 3, 2008

Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'MainMail', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Check to make sure that the ports 25 and 110 is not blocked on the server or by your ISP or have them unblocked if by some firewall rule. Trying telneting to that port and if it shows connection refused try disabling your firewall.


The reason you get the error is:
The Outgoing (SMTP) server requires authentication. If you are using Outlook Express you should check the box 'My server requires authentication'. In Eudora it is 'Authentication allowed'.

Your SMTP (outgoing mail server) could be blocked. Here is how to test it:
1. Go to 'Start' -> 'Run' -> type: cmd
2. When the Command prompt appears type: telnet 25
3. Wait a few seconds. You must see the following: '220 ESMTP'. This will be OK.
4. If you do not see this message, your SMTP is being blocked. In this case try the following:
- If you are behind a firewall, we may be unable to authenticate you. If you have a personal firewall, try lowering the security.
- Call your ISP and ask if they block people sending through remote SMTP's. Some are doing that, though relatively few.
- You can use your ISP's SMTP server. In your email client, put the SMTP server that you use to send out your ISP email, and your email will still appear with your domain name. Also see the error messages explanations.

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